Behavioral Genetics Laboratory


This course introduces students to fundamental concepts about how genes govern behavior by using the model system Drosophila melanogaster. Students learn modern and classic laboratory techniques including fly crossing, genetic screens, and behavioral assays. Specifically, we use the GAL4/UAS RNAi knockdown approach to investigate the role of ion channels in stress-induced generalized seizures. A primary goal of the course is to develop real-world research skills by having students design, propose, and execute a set of novel research questions. Statistical analysis and interpretation of data collected by the students are emphasized. To build a solid conceptual background, lectures are given once per week, and students read, analyze, and discuss primary research articles. Understanding is assessed through journal club reports and presentations, research reports, and a final presentation of experimental results. This course is designed for upper-level students who have taken Bio 2960 and Bio 2970. Credit 3 units. Enrollment limit is set at zero, and students are enrolled from the waitlist. Graduating seniors who need an upper-level laboratory to complete requirements of a biology major program have priority.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; BU SCI; AR NSM; AS NSM

Section 01

Behavioral Genetics Laboratory
View Course Listing - SP2022
View Course Listing - SP2023
View Course Listing - SP2024