Student Affairs Office

Here to support your journey

Meet Our Staff

Erin Gerrity

Erin is the Coordinator of Communications and Student Affairs for the Biology Department. She serves as a liaison between faculty and students, passing announcements, opportunities and other information to and from students via email, newsletters, hallway seminar screens, and social media. She assigns major advisors and handles registration for pre-med courses such as MedPrep and PEMRAP. She also serves as the Biology department liaison for University College. | 314-935-5064


Stella Rusel

Stella is the Coordinator of Student Affairs and the Biology Minor advisor for the Department of Biology. She is repsonsible for certifying students' records for the completion of graduation requirements for both the biology major and minor.  She also coordinates the Independent Research Program and determine Latin Honors and Research Emphasis candidates. Contact Stella with questions concerning Independent Research, Department of Biology controlled courses, or any general questions you may have concerning the Department.

Erin Gerrity and Stella operate the Biology Student Affairs Office in the Jeanette Goldfarb Plant Growth Facility, Room 105.


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