Chemistry and Physics of Biomolecules


This course covers the major types of biomolecular structure: proteins, nucleic acids, glycans, membranes & membrane proteins. Basic structural chemistry is presented, as well as biophysical techniques used to probe structure and function. Topics covered include: protein structure, folding & design, intrinsically disordered proteins, biomolecular simulations, macromolecular binding and kinetics, cryo-electron microscopy, polymer statistics, nucleic acid structural biology, nucleic acid-protein interactions, functional RNA, glycobiology, membrane structure and dynamics, membrane protein folding, ion channels, transporters, pumps and receptors. Weekly discussion sections cover problem sets and present current research papers. A required course for the DBBS Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology (BBSB) graduate program. Prereqs; prior coursework in biochemistry and in physical chemistry is recommended, but not required. 3 units. 3 units.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Chemistry and Physics of Biomolecules
INSTRUCTOR: Hall, Cheng, Holehouse, Greenberg, Soranno, Robertson, Chanda, Reichhardt
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