LEC/EEPB Grad Student presentations
Brock Mashburn: How connected is the globe?: Biogeographic surprises in Hibiscus
Anna Wassel: Why do pawpaws do the things they do? Foundation species' effects on community assembly
Wen Kuo: The genetics of the white mark polymorphism in white clover
Lauren Johnson: Hormones and Behavior in Anolis Lizards
Living Earth Collaborative/Evolution, Ecology & Population Biology seminars are hybrid. Those who wish to join virtually can watch the livestream on youtube
All presentations are archived on the LEC Channel for watching at a later date: Presentation Archive
NOTE: Seminars will be presented LIVE in Rebstock 322 as well as Livestreamed. Receptions will be held outside of Bayer Hall. In the event of inclement weather, they will be held in Rebstock 309.