High Performance Computing Resources


University Research Infrastructrue Services (RIS) provides access to a scientific compute platform and a data storage platform to research faculty at the university.  Please visit the RIS website for more information. 

The Scientific Compute Platform provides WashU research faculty access to computing resources and a job scheduler that runs large-scale, parallel computing tasks with access to many CPU and GPU cores, large amounts of RAM, high-speed networks, and high-performance storage systems.

The service is centered around container technologies (e.g. Docker) to allow complex software environments to be deployed independently from other users while isolating complicated software dependencies. The Scientific Compute Platform aims to be well integrated with the Data Storage Platform, the Research Applications Platform, and Cloud Services, providing an ability to expand computational resources to integrated cloud solutions.

The Data Storage Platform is a scalable, high-performance, and distributed storage infrastructure with integrated long-term archiving capabilities. It has many enterprise-level features to facilitate data analysis, management, curation, and retention. All faculty involved in research have access to 5TB of free Active storage

If you need help setting up a compute account or getting access to the 5TB of free storage please contact Frances Thuet (thuet@wustl.edu).