MedPrep I-The Lecture Series


MedPrep I (Bio 2651) is a unique, interactive lecture series where the entire educational path of becoming a physician is reviewed. This course is particularly helpful for first-year and sophomore students in that it helps students obtain an authentic, accurate, and comprehensive view of the life of a physician and the process it takes to get there. It helps students develop a road map for their four years of college and helps students reflect on whether medicine might be the right career for them. Students also have the opportunity to talk with current medical students and resident physicians about their life in medical school and residency, respectively. MedPrep I is a prerequisite for MedPrep II (Bio 2654), the shadowing course that takes place in the Charles F. Knight Emergency and Trauma Center of Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the main teaching hospital for the Washington University School of Medicine. There is no outside coursework and no exams, so this course can be taken with the busiest of course schedules. Class attendance is required. A $10 course fee applies. For more details about the course, please see the website at: Pass/Fail only.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

MedPrep I-The Lecture Series
INSTRUCTOR: Levine, Polites
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - FL2024
View Course Listing - SP2025