Neuroscience Futures 2


This course is taste of a key ingredient in the life of a scientist - it's essential to read papers, listen to visiting speakers as they present new findings, and think carefully about what all of this means. This course will do exactly that - we'll read five cutting-edge manuscripts and discuss them in depth. We'll go down all of the rabbit holes to understand the experiments, methods, arguments, and conclusions. This process is simply an interactive discussion, driven by students. In addition, students are integrated into the neuroscience community both at WUSTL and beyond by attending, summarizing, and briefly discussing three neuroscience seminars on campus throughout the semester. The class will meet a total of five times, and students are expected to attend three neuroscience seminars of their choice. For practice, students will have an opportunity to give brief presentations on their own research (optional, but really, it's important to be able to speak so think it through). Must be taken Credit/No Credit
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Neuroscience Futures 2
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025