Ready for Workday Student?

This April, students will begin registering through the new Workday system for Fall 2025 courses. Here are some of the changes you should know about.

You will have access to most of the information and actions you need to plan courses, track degree progress, register, and check final grades in a single place, your Workday Academic Hub. There will no longer be a lottery system for registration. Everyone with the same matriculation year will have the same registration appointment time.

Course Planning

You may choose courses and set up a schedule ahead of time in Workday, then sign up from your saved schedule in your academic hub with one click when registration opens.

Pre and Co-Req’s and Overrides

Pre- and co-requisites will be enforced at the time of registration. If you do not meet the requirements to take a course, you will not be able to register without requesting an override in Workday. To request an override in WashU's Workday system (WD), follow these Step by Step instructions.

How to Register

The course search functionality will be different. To access Fall 2025 courses:

  • Log into Workday with your WUSTL key.
  • Click on your Academic Hub, found on the left side of the landing page.
  • Then, click on “Find Course Sections” under “Planning and Registration” to search for courses. Workday Student differentiates between courses and course sections (a specific meeting day, time, location and instructor for a given class). You will register for specific course sections, whereas you’ll use courses for academic planning and browsing. 

New Course Numbers

Some of the course numbers you are used to seeing will change for Fall 2025. Here is a link to a list of course number changes for Biology and related departments that have courses required for different Specializations (formerly called Tracks):


If you are on a waitlist for a course section and a seat becomes available, you will get notifications via email and Workday and will have 72 hours to accept or decline the seat, but if you no longer want the seat, please decline as soon as possible to move the process along for other students.

You will not be able to enroll in two course sections that have overlapping schedules. You will, however, be able to join the waitlist for a course section that overlaps with a course section you are currently enrolled in.  For example, if you’ve enrolled in BIO 1001 at 10 a.m., you cannot enroll in CHEM 1001 at 10 a.m. You can, however, waitlist for CHEM 1001 if the course section is full, then later drop and swap course sections when a seat becomes available. 


Workday will introduce new terminology that you’ll need to know to successfully use the system: 

  • “Intent to graduate” is now “apply for program completion”. You initiate this process the semester before you anticipate graduating.
  • Program of study is the term that encompasses all majors, minors, second majors, as well as graduate degrees and credentials at WashU. 
  • Courses and course sections will be used differently in Workday. You’ll register for course sections (the day and time of a specific course) but use courses for planning purposes.
  • Subjects are the area of study for a course, like accounting or biomedical engineering. In Workday, these align most closely with “departments” in Course Listings and, similarly, can be used to filter courses. (for example, the old department code L41 is now BIOL)

For more new terms, visit the glossary.

Please visit to learn more. If you have any questions, you can fill out this form or call 314-935-WDAY(9329). The Workday Student website also provides additional details about the resources available to assist you with learning processes in Workday.