Research Explorations in Genomics


A collaborative laboratory investigation of a problem in comparative genomics, utilizing a variety of bioinformatics tools to manage and investigate large data sets (currently including genomic sequences, gene predictions, sequence conservation, gene expression). The research problem involves examination of genome assemblies from several Drosophila species, and working with one of these sequences to examine patterns of genome organization, gene structure and gene regulation. Prerequisites: Bio 2970, Chemistry 111/112, 151/152. While Bio 3371 or Bio 437, and some familiarity with computers would be advantageous, this is NOT required. Permission of Dr. Chris Shaffer is required. Fulfills the upper-level laboratory requirement for the Biology major. Due to high demand for this course, please fill out this survey at this link: The department will manage registration for this course based on this information.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; AR NSM; AS NSM

Section 01

Research Explorations in Genomics
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025