Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Associates Program - Experiences in Life Sciences (PEMRAP II)


PEMRAP II is a continuation of Bio 2652, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Associates Program - Experiences in Life Sciences. Returning PEMRAP Research Associates (RAs) actively participate in new and ongoing research projects in various areas of pediatric emergency medicine. RAs assist during the active period of patient enrollment through screening of ED patients for study eligibility, reading information about the studies to the patients, collecting data regarding patient history and certain physical examination findings, and generally facilitating the study enrollment process. PEMRAP Returning RAs are vital members of the Emergency Department research team in the St. Louis Children's Hospital Emergency Department. Returning RAs assist in training and mentoring incoming PEMRAP students (BIO 2652 ) in ED protocol, work approximately one 4-hour shift per week in the ED, record shift activities and hours worked on a daily Shift Log form, and participate in the physician shadowing program (as offered). Returning RAs are responsible to meet hospital non-appointee requirements and stay current with new study protocols by attending or viewing new study presentations for PEMRAP students. These lectures are given by Pediatric Department faculty members introducing the basics of the clinical research process, specific studies, as well as pediatric illness. The RA position carries with it important responsibility requiring maturity, initiative, diligence and excellent interpersonal skills. There is no outside course work and no exams. Full participation is required. RAs are also required to attend the 2-hour Orientation lecture and a monthly check-in meeting. Course credit FALL/SPR semesters: 44 shift hours = 1 credit and Pass/Fail. Students may repeat this course for a maximum of 6 credits. Course may not be taken concurrently with Bio 2652, 2651, or 2654
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Associates Program - Experiences in Life Sciences (PEMRAP II)
INSTRUCTOR: Hoganson, Gravatte, Dickey
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - FL2024
View Course Listing - SP2025