Craig Smith

Teaching Professor
B. S. Purdue University 1992
Ph.D University of Michigan 2001
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    mailing address:

    • Washington University
    • CB 1137
    • One Brookings Drive
    • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
    image of book cover

    Dr. Smith is interested in Structural Biology, Protein Biochemistry, and Bacterial Pathogenesis.

    Dr. Smith teaches the following Biology courses: Bio 2960 Laboratory (Spring), Bio 2962 (Spring), Bio 2970 Laboratory (Fall), Bio 451(Summer), Bio 4525 (Fall); and the following University College courses: Bio 406 (Spring).

    recent courses

    Structural Bioinformatics of Proteins

    In this investigative laboratory course, students will be given high-quality, experimentally determined, three-dimensional structural coordinates and will use cutting-edge bioinformatics tools and methods to evaluate and analyze these datasets. Some topics include: structural validation, protein-structure prediction, domain and motif recognition, secondary structure prediction, protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, protein and structure-based sequence alignments, inferring protein function from structure, electrostatic interactions, and threading and homology modeling. Upon completing their analyses, students will be responsible for writing a manuscript that will be submitted to a scientific journal for publication.

      Introduction to Microbiology

      Fundamentals of microbiology. Topics include: metabolism and growth, molecular biology and gene expression, metabolic diversity, microbial ecology, microbial pathogenesis, microbial genomics, human and animal transmitted diseases, microbial evolution and diversity, and immunity. Prerequisites: introductory biology and chemistry courses or permission of the instructor.

        General Biochemistry

        A study of structure-function relationships as applied to carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; intermediary metabolism of principal cellular components; and general aspects of regulation.