Peter Wyse Jackson

George Engelmann Professor of Botany
President Missouri Botanical Garden
Professor of the Practice
PhD, Trinity College, Dublin
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    Professor Peter Wyse Jackson’s research interests are mainly focused on the areas of plant conservation, including conservation biology of threatened plants and the development of international biodiversity conservation policies.

    He has worked extensively with botanic gardens throughout the world and was lead author of the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation, now endorsed by some 500 botanic gardens. He has played a lead role in the development and implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, adopted by U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity in 2002 and he is currently the Chairman of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation.
    His recent research has included work on Irish ethnobotany and he is currently completing a book that documents the use of wild plants in Ireland, past and present. His PhD research on the taxonomy and biosystematics of Irish Cruciferae was undertaken during the 1980s in Ireland, leading to a revision of the genus Cochlearia L. published in Flora Europaea (Vol 1, 2nd Ed.). Recent research has also included Irish floristics (his publications include Floras of Co. Dublin and Irish trees), the determination of a list of Irish archaeophytes (non-native plants introduced before 1600) and the potential impacts of climate change on plant diversity in Ireland.

    Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson Receives International Visionary Award

    Selected Publications

    Wyse Jackson, Peter; McNulty, Elizabeth and Fathman, Liz. (2016). The Garden in 100 Objects: from the iconic to the rare at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, U.S.A.  Pp. 128. 

    Wyse Jackson, Peter and Miller, James S. (2015).  Developing a World Flora Online - a 2020 challenge to the world’s botanists from the international community. Rodriguésia 66(4): 939-946.

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2015). Evolving the research focus of the Missouri Botanical Garden, U.S.A. to address contemporary challenges and priorities in plant science and conservation.  In: Program and Plenary Reports for the All-Russian 70th Anniversary Conference on ‘Botanical gardens and urbanization: fundamental science, innovation, education”, 23-25 June, 2015. Moscow Main Botanical Garden, named after N.V. Tsitsin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation. Pp. 21-28 (In English and Russian).

    Miller, A.J., Novy, A., Glover, J., Kellogg, E.A., Maul, J.E., Raven P. and Wyse Jackson, P. (2015).  Expanding the role of botanical gardens in the future of food.  Nature Plants, 1 June 2015. Article Number: 15078.

    Miller, James S.; Thomas, William Wayt; Watson, Mark; Simpson, David and Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014).  World Flora Online Council met in St. Petersburg.  Taxon 63(4): 959. August, 2014.

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014). The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation – an opportunity and responsibility for Korean botanic gardens and arboreta (in Korean).  Newsletter of the Korean Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta 01/2014; Volume 41(2014 Spring & Summer issue):28-35.

    Hart, Robbie; Law, Wayne and Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014).  Chapter 23.  Biocultural collections for conservation.  In: Salick, Jan; Konchar, Katie and Nesbitt, Mark (Eds). Curating Biocultural Collections – A Handbook. Pp. 329-346.  Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, U.K..

    Wyse Jackson, Peter and Jebb, Matthew (2014).  National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Economic Botany Collection.  In: Salick, Jan; Konchar, Katie and Nesbitt, Mark (Eds). Curating Biocultural Collections – A Handbook. Pp. 18.  Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, U.K..

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014).  Process is important: Artisan tobacco cultivation and cigar preparation in the Valle de Vinales, north of Pinar del Rio, Western Cuba, 2012.  In: Salick, Jan; Konchar, Katie and Nesbitt, Mark (Eds). Curating Biocultural Collections – A Handbook. Pp. 175-176.  Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, U.K..

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014).  Process is important: Harvesting of Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) in Chios, Greece.  In: Salick, Jan; Konchar, Katie and Nesbitt, Mark (Eds). Curating Biocultural Collections – A Handbook. Pp. 177.  Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, U.K..

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2014).  Ireland’s Generous Nature – the past and present uses of wild plants in Ireland. Pp. 768.  Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St Louis.

    Huang, Hong-Wen, Wyse Jackson, Peter S. and Chen, Ling-Zhi (2013).  Conservation Strategies. Chapter 24: 418-445.  In: HONG De-Yuan and Blackmore, Stephen (Eds). Plants of China – A companion to the Flora of China. Beijing, China: Science Press.

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2013). Report of the Second Conference and General Meeting of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 99 (2): 129-138.

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2013). The Orchids Go First. In: Burkhardt, Dan and Burkhardt, Connie (Eds). Missouri River County: 100 miles of stories and scenery from Hermann to the Confluence. Missouri Life, Boonville, MO. Pp. 120-129.

    Wyse Jackson, Peter (2013).  The developing role of botanic gardens in plant conservation:  implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.  In: Naumtsev, Y. (ed.). Gardens in our hearts: the collective monograph based on the 3rd International Conference “Living in Harmony: Botanic Gardens and Society – Dialogue without Borders”  Tver, Russian Federation – 13th – 16th September, 2013. Publishing House of the Polypress, Tver.  Pp. 18-51 (In English and Russian).

    Wyse Jackson Peter, and Sutherland Lucy A. (2013). Role of Botanic Gardens. In: Levin S.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 6, pp. 504-521. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

    Wyse Jackson, P. and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias (2012). Foreword.  In : Convention on Biological Diversity: The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 2011-2020.  Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, U.K.

    Sharrock S.L., Blackmore S., Cheney J., Dunn C., Husby C., Jebb M., Kennedy K., Kiehn M., Kramer A., Kueffer C., Raven P., Reichard S., Rejmanek M., Oldfield S., Wyse Jackson P. (2011).  The biodiversity benefits of botanic gardens. – Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26, 433.

    Wyse Jackson, P. and Sharrock, S. (2011).  The context and development of a global framework for plant conservation.  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3): 227-232.

    Wyse Jackson, P. (2011).  Progress towards the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation beyond 2010 – what are the implications for botanic gardens?  In: Bavcon J. (Ed.).Botanic Gardens and Biodiversity.  Pp 16-34. Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    Wyse Jackson, P. (2010).  The responses of botanic gardens to new challenges in research, conservation and biodiversity management.  In: Gouveia, L., Carvalho, J., Fernandes, F. and Lobo, C. (Eds). 50 Anos Jardim Botânico da Madeira Eng. Rui Vieira.  Pp 113-125.  Direcção Regional de Florestas.  Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e dos recursos Naturais, Madeira, Portugal.

    Wyse Jackson, P. (2009).  Developing and implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation beyond 2010.  In: Nova da Costa, M.L.M. (Ed.). Anais da XVIII Reunião de Jardins Botânicos Gestão e conservação: um desafio para os jardins botânicos. (06 a 10 de julho de 2009, Salvador – BA), Rede Brasileira de Jardins Botânicos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Pp 16-23.

    Wyse Jackson, P. and Kennedy, K. (2009).  The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: a challenge and opportunity for the international community.  Trends in Plant Science, November 2009, Vol. 14.

    Wyse Jackson, P.  (2008). Foreword and contributor to: Plant Conservation Report: a review of progress in implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.  UNEP/CBD/COP/9/INF/25.  Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), Montreal, Canada.  

    Wyse Jackson, P.S. (2007).  The potential impact of climate change on native plant diversity in Ireland.  BGjournal, 4(2): 26-29.

    Sampaio Pereira, T., Nova da Costa, M.L.M. and Wyse Jackson, P. (Organizadores) (2007). Recuperando o verde para as cidades – a experiência dos jardims botânicos brasileiros. Pp. 208. Rede Brasileira de Jardins Botânicos; Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; BGCI. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Leadlay, E., Willison, J. and  Wyse Jackson, P. (2006). Taxonomy: the framework for botanic gardens in conservation.  In: Leadlay, E. and Jury, S.L. (Eds). Taxonomy and Plant Conservation, 274-293. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Pereira, T.S., Nova da Costa, M.L.M., and Wyse Jackson, P. (2004).  Plano de Ação para os Jardins Botânicos Brasileiros. 44pp. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Huang, H., Han, X., Kang, L. Raven, P., Wyse Jackson, P. and Chen, Y. (2002). Conserving native plants in China.  Science, 297: 935-936 (9 August, 2002).

    Wyse Jackson, P.S. and Sutherland, L. (2000). The International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), London, U.K.