Research Perspectives


This course will guide students through the process of developing their own research projects, including identifying a research question, formulating a hypothesis, planning for and overcoming setbacks, and convincing others of the merit and feasibility of the work. Students will read and discuss journal articles, learn how research proposals are evaluated and funded, and write and present their own mini research proposals. This course is intended to complement laboratory research activities and help students to initiate the process of writing a senior thesis and/or applying for research funding. Enrollment is by permission only fromMargaret Steele. This course is required for undergraduates conducting research in the Queller/Strassmann laboratories and is open to other students, graduate and undergraduate involved in research. Credit 1 - 3 units. Dr. Margaret Steele.
Course Attributes: AS NSM; BU SCI

Section 01

Research Perspectives
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - SP2024