Structural Bioinformatics of Proteins (Writing Intensive)


In this investigative laboratory course, students will be given high-quality, experimentally determined, three-dimensional structural coordinates and will use cutting-edge bioinformatics tools and methods to evaluate and analyze these datasets. Some topics include: structural validation, protein-structure prediction, domain and motif recognition, secondary structure prediction, protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, protein and structure-based sequence alignments, inferring protein function from structure, electrostatic interactions, and threading and homology modeling. Upon completing their analyses, students will be responsible for writing a manuscript that will be submitted to a scientific journal for publication. Prerequisites: Bio 2960 and Chem 262. Fulfills upper-level laboratory requirement for the biology major. There will be a link to a Qualtrics lab preference survey before registration begins. Due to high demand for this course, please fill out this survey at this link: The department will manage registration for this course based on this information.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; BU SCI; AR NSM; AS NSM; AS WI I