Woody Plants of Missouri


Washington University's Danforth Campus is home to more than 4000 trees and is now a registered arboretum. This urban forest ecosystem has been carefully curated and managed to provide habitat diversity, shade, rainwater mitigation, and aesthetic beauty. In this course you will study the biology of woody plants in the classroom and in our arboretum. Specifically, you will learn woody plant systematics, physiology, and ecology as well as applied, and hands-on, techniques. You will learn to collect forestry data, and to identify trees by leaf, bud, bark, fruit and crown. You will learn to plant, propagate, and care for trees and other woody plants. You will also contribute to the ongoing research in our arboretum and to the education of your peers and campus visitors by adding new trees to the arboretum collection and by monitoring the campus trees as you learn to collect data on growth and phenology. Students who successfully complete this course will be eligible to join the Danforth Arboretum "Loraxes" for the remainder of their time at Washington University. Loraxes will be arboretum ambassadors and will be called upon from time to time to lead tours of the arboretum for prospective students, science outreach, or members of the campus community. Prerequisite: Bio 2960. Students will be admitted from the waitlist. (Biology Major Area C)
Course Attributes: FA NSM; BU SCI; AR NSM; AS NSM

Section 01

Woody Plants of Missouri
View Course Listing - FL2022
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024